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4Points Inspecting Standard
Item Penalty point
1 2 3 4
warp / weft direction defect within 3 inches within 3~6 inches within 6~9 inches over 9 inches
  • 4 points : In case that there is a hole
  • 4 points are the maximum penalty that can be given for 1 yard
  • 8 points are given to 1.5 yards of string
  • It should be less than 23 points for 100 yards.
    10 Points Inspecting Standard
    Item Penalty point
    1 3 5 10
    Warp direction defects
    (except holes and tears)
    and under
    over 2.5 to12.5cm
    and under
    over 12.5 to 25cm
    and under
    oner 25 to 91.5cm
    and under
    Weft direction defects
    (except filling bar, unevenness, holes and tears)
    and under
    over 2.5 to 12.5cm
    and under
    over 12.5cm
    to 1/2 of width
    and under
    over 1/2 of
    fabric width
    Weft bar and
    Perceptible   under 1/2 of
    fabric width
    over 1/2 of
    fabric width
    more perceptible     under 1/2 of
    fabric width
    over 1/2 of
    fabric width
    Holes and tears       1.5cm and under
    Marking and permission of defect
  • Marking of Defect :
  • Use opposite color pencil of Ground Color
  • Approval Limit :
  • Penalty point 40 points can not be exceeded based on 50 yds
      within 10EA of 1 point penalty
    within 10EA of 3 points penalty
    within 8EA of 5 points penalty
    within 4EA of 10 points penalty
    Inspecting Method
  • 100% Inspection will be applied or all textile in principle.
  • Illumination : sun's ray (Northern window) on 800~1,200 LUX
  • Inspecting Speed :
  • 20m/minute
    Bar Code Label
    Defect standard
    Minor defect : 1 Penalty point, Major defect : 2 Penalty point, Critical defect :
    Grading Standard
    Textile Grade Content Remark
    Textiles A 1 penalty point within 5yd  
    B 1 penalty point within 4yd  
    C 1 penalty point within 3yd  
    D 1 penalty point within 2yd  
    E 1 penalty point within 1yd  
    F consecutive defect  
    X consecutive defect  
       (Note) yds length = Roll length \ Roll defects
    Defect Details
    Defect Details Point Hold Size & Place Remark
    Minor defect 1 point less than 25cm flow of warp direction.
    less than 1/3 width of the width
    indicating the woof direction.
    less than 5cm hole and round groove.
    Major defect 2 point less than 25cm~50cm flow of warp direction.
    less than 1/3 width of the width
    indicating the woof direction.
    less than 5cm~20cm hole and round groove.
    Critical defect   hole of 50cm or greater toward the direction of warp. compensation according
    to defective parts
    LOSS. Quantity Compensation
    Defect Details Compensation Standard Remark
    Minor defect 0.25/yds/ea  
    Major defect 0.56/yds/ea groove toward the direction of warp,
    0.5yd per 1/2 width for each occurrence
    Critical defect 1yds 2yds 3yds  
    Grading Standard (100Yards)Standard
       * 4POINT SYSTEM (American Manufacturing Association (AAMA) European Manufacturing Association(ECMA)
          approved inspection standard)
    Textile Grade 100Yards Standard Remark
    A 26 Point 1~8ea  
    B 27~28 Point 9~10ea  
    C 29~30 Point 11~12ea  
    D 31~34 Point 13~14ea  
    E 35~38 Point 15~16ea  
    F consecutive defect  
       Free deduction
       91(1YDS) 4 point 1ea
       92 (2YDS) 8 point 2ea
       93 (3YDS) 12 point 3ea
    Compensation Standard
    Defect Size (INCH) Defect Size (cm) Remark
    1 point 3" within 7.5cm less  
    2 point 4~6" within 7.5cm more ~15cm less  
    3 point 7~9" within 15cm more ~23cm less  
    4 point 9" more 23cm more  

    1. Apply 0.5YDS LOSS per 2Point for exceeding 28Point
    2. Apply 0.5YDS LOSS per piece for exceeding 10 defects
    ex) Becomes UPLOSS as 4 points in case of 3 points.
         , But 4 points regardless of size when hole is created
         , 4 point stands for the highest point within 1YDS
         , Creation of 1.5YDS warp line shall be 8 points.
         , Up to 6% of entire length is allowed for free deduction.
          above that is handled as quantity (ex. in case of 100YDS, LOSS is allowed only up to 6YD)

    * (Defect score x 3600) \ (YDS x cutting width(INCHES)) = score/100SQ YD

    * Items to perform inspection after consultation when necessary
       , wet/dry friction fastness
       , tensile strength, bursting strength
       , SQM weight confirmation
       , ROLL chart preparation
       , sunlight fastness
       , laundry fastness

    Grading Standard (100Yards)Standard
    Textile Grade 100Yards Standard Remark
    A Up to 1~10 defects  
    B Up to 11~12 defects  
    C Up to 13~15 defects  
    D Up to 16~18 defects  
    E Up to 19~23 defects  
    F consecutive defect  
    Penalty Standard
    Defect Size (INCH) Defect Size (cm) Remark
    1 point 2.54cm or less flaw of warp direction  
    2.54cm or less flaw of woof direction  
    3 point 2.54cm~12.7cm or less flaw of warp direction  
    2.54cm~12.7cm or less flaw of woof direction  
    5 point 12.7cm~25cm or less flaw of warp direction  
    12.7cm~ half width or less flaw of woof direction  
    10 point 25cm~91.44cm or less flaw of warp direction  
    Half width or less flaw of woof direction  
    LOSS. Quantity Compensation
    Textile Grade Compensation Standard Remark
    A no compensation 10ea
    Grade B or lower 1YDS / ea 0.5/YD per piece when 11 pieces or more
       Up to 6% of entire length is allowed for free deduction (ex 6YDS based on 100y) the ones above that are handled
       as defect
       , Less than 10 flaws with penalty of 1 point
       , Less than 10 flaws with penalty of 3 points
       , Less than 8 flaws with penalty of 5 points
       , Less than 4 flaws with penalty of 10 points
       , Sunlight fastness
       , Laundry fastness

    Defect Standard (10Point System) Standard
    Grading Standard (46Meters, 50Yards) Standard
    Textile Grade 50Yards Standard Remark
    A Total defect of 40 points or less & 5 defects or less  
    B Total defect of 46 points or less & 7 defects or less  
    C Total defect of 52 points or less & 9 defects or less  
    D Total defect of 58 points or less & 12 defects or less  
    E Total defect of 64 points or less & 15 defects or less  
    F consecutive defect  
    LOSS. Quantity Compensation
    Hole Number Compensation Standard Remark
    Less than 5 flaws with penalty no compensation  
    Less than 6 flaws with penalty 0.5mt/m  
    weft bar 0.2mt/m  
       Up to 6% of entire length is allowed for free deduction (ex 6YDS based on 100y) the ones above that are handled
       as defect
    Defect Details
    Defect Details Compensation Standard Remark
    1 2.54cm or less flaw of warp direction  
    2.54cm or less flaw of woof direction  
    3 2.54cm~12.7cm or less flaw of warp direction  
    2.54cm~12.7cm or less flaw of woof direction  
    5 12.7cm~25cm or less flaw of warp direction  
    12.7cm~ half width or less flaw of woof direction  
    10 25cm~91.44cm or less flaw of warp direction  
    Half width or less flaw of woof direction  
    Allowed Limit
       Based on 46M(50YDS), the total penalty point of 40 can be exceeded.
          , Less than 10 flaws with penalty of 1 point
          , Less than 10 flaws with penalty of 3 points
          , Less than 8 flaws with penalty of 5 points
          , Less than 4 flaws with penalty of 10 points
       * Items to perform inspection after consultation when necessary
          , wet/dry friction fastness
          , tensile strength, bursting strength
          , SQM weight confirmation
          , ROLL chart preparation
          , sunlight fastness
          , laundry fastness